Today was the last day of the season, and sadly, we are venison-less. Madman made every possible effort, but luck was against him.
One of his tricks is to keep his hunting clothes free of the smell of humans. He washes them in a scentless detergent, and keeps them bundled in a giant plastic bag when he's not wearing them, so they don't pick up any household smells. (Deer are not fond of the smell of pot roast, for instance. Makes them a mite skittish...)
Early in the season, he found he was nearly out of the detergent he uses, and told me he was going to pick some up at the store.
When I got home from work that day, the dryer was just finishing its cycle, and there was a smell of dirt in the house. Not the smell of "Exactly how long has it been since I last dusted?", but a smell like someone had been digging in the garden and had brought in a big whopping bucketfull, then scattered it around the house.
Mystery solved when I spied the box of special hunter's dryer sheets he'd bought. The name of the scent?
"Fresh Earth."
I had no idea there were such things as special dryer sheets for hunters.
Oh, that is just HILARIOUS. As if the deer don't know that that's FAKE EARTH SMELL. Heehee
There was a lot of hiking in the woods with the bang stick this year. I've heard it was a terrible season. Too dry (noisy) and the herds seem to be extra skittish.
Oh well, there's always the winter road kill list with Fish and Game.
(early a.m. thoughts) (Illegal) hunting season ended? must check this out ... and so wet here, not crispy crunchy noisy at all ... Mangofeet lives in a different world ... besides, they keep the deer...
Sorry you had a bad season. Aurora was cheering for Madman.
Truly a product made by guys, made for guys.
hunter's dryer sheets. i love it :)
At least he didn't get the deer-droppings flavored ones...
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