Saturday, April 13, 2019

Nothing but puttering this week

Putter putter putter.  Luckily I have lots of stuff to putter with.
(I should be trying to get Sea of Tranquility pin-basted, but I seem to be procrastinating there.  I'm looking forward to the quilting part, but the basting is always such a pain in the butt...)

I got one Sand Castle block done in aqua for the RSC.  I've found another scrap of turquoise big enough to make the next block, but I'm going to have to do some serious digging for any others.  Definitely low on aqua/turquiose.

I'm still herding my flying geese in my temperature quilt.  On Monday, yellow made its first appearance as the temp went up to 72 degrees, but it's back to normal now with temps in the 40's to 60's.

I'm looking forward to when yellow is the norm, with orange for the 80's making an occasional appearance.  Hopefully we won't see too much red - that means the temp would be over 90.  Not a fan of weather that hot, I must say.

And with avoidance extra time on my hands, I pulled out the Demented bin and made a few more blocks.

I'm up to 174 - yay!  I only need 256, so I feel like the end is in sight.  It's kind of off in the distance, but it's definitely in sight.

I'll keep assembling the little bits and making bigger bits, until all the blocks are ready to go.

Piece of cake, right?

And I found myself making these the other day.  No reason.  Really.

Just because I've been drooling over Cathy's Jack's Chains quilts is no reason to jump to conclusions.
Really.  A person can just have a sudden urge to make nine-patches.  Out-of-the-blue like.
Perfectly normal.

Linking with Soscrappy for ScrapHappy Saturday and with Quilting is more fun than Housework for Oh Scrap!  Come see the scrappy fun!


Cathy said...

Those tiny nines will get you every time! But then, you’re one of The Demented, lol, so I guess we shouldn’t be surprised. Oh, and that’s another great Sand Castle Block!

Mystic Quilter said...

For a number of reasons I am somewhat behind on reading blogs and must have missed your temperature quilt!!! I loved these when I saw them on Instagram and yours is super, I love the pop of orange in there.

Libby in TN said...

Love your sand castle in aqua! I am considering making 9Ps with my 1" strips left over from the courthouse steps.

Auntie Em said...

Nice to see that little blip of yellow in your temperature quilt. Spring is more than just a rumor now, isn't it?
I hadn't noticed until now that your sandcastle blocks require a good sized scrap to work with. I had the same issue with my Birds in the Air blocks...the little scraps were easy to find but the one bigger triangle sometimes involved cutting into bigger yardage.

Louise said...

Cute little nines! I completely understand how urges just pop into one's head, pure coincidence that it happens after reading Cathy's latest post. Yup. No connection at all.

Chantal said...

The other day I got a huge bag of someone else's scraps and there was a lot of neutral strings in the bag. I mean like 4 inches thick. I immediately thought of Sandcastles! Don't know why. It's not because one admires someone else's quilt that it means she would like one for herself, right? Just like Jack's Chain and your tiny 9-Patch, right? Nope. In a quilter's world, that is all coincidental. So, how many 9-patches do you think you'll need? (Bwahaha!) Love all your projects and I'm happy to see Demented out again. Enjoy! ;^)

Kate said...

Looks like you've been doing lots of scrappy sewing, so hopefully the bins are going down a bit? Happy stitching this week.

Wanderingcatstudio said...

If I was making a temperature quilt, my April would be all over the place! Our weather is wacky!

Angie said...

Hahaha! Have fun with Jack's Chain - I see it coming!

Cathy said...

Hope you aren't just yanking my chain with those little 9Ps!!

And nice to see how close you are to Totally Demented!

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

Most of my weeks are spent puttering - jumping from one thing to another - so I can completely relate to what you described! And the pin basting stops me every time. We'd much rather make tiny 9 patches, or something, right?! But eventually the puttering leads to good things, and all of your blocks look great to me, Gayle!

The Joyful Quilter said...

PLEASE don't make me start another quilt!!! Jack's Chain is such an awesome quilt. I could TOTALLY see how you could cave!

Cynthia Brunz Designs said...

There is always a fun collection of pretty blocks to see on your blog. Thanks for sharing with Oh Scrap!

Ann said...

Oh, I've wanted to make Jack's Chains for donkey's years. You're so smart to get started.

Nann said...

Puttering can be productive! Sue Pawlowski ( gave the program for our guild last year with a follow-up workshop for Jack's Chain. I made a sample in the workshop. I bought the templates. I haven't done anything since. BTW, the secret to the blocks is to mark the seam intersections with dots and sew only to the dot.

audrey said...

Perfectly normal.*wink

Nancy said...

That first block, the one with the green and blue checks in the center -- I love it! I especially love the checkered fabric! Gorgeous. You're amazing how many quilts you can have in progress at the same time.