Monday, June 8, 2020

I've finally done something interesting

Between a general inertia and a lack of anything interesting to talk about, it's been hard to get myself to write a post...

I finally got the next-to-last border finished for Bonnie Hunter's Unity.  It went from a good sized throw quilt to a holy-crap-this-is-a-big-one in the blink of an eye.

(To be perfectly truthful, there were several blinks involved, but you know what I mean.)

One more to go, but thankfully the last border is only a header and a footer instead of another full turn around.

I've got a start with some star centers done,

and a plateful of starry bits ready to go.

Sincerely not liking the New Blogger.  Is there any way to upload more than one picture at a time?  Because that's getting frustrating fast.  My process has always been to put up all the pictures I plan to use, then assemble my text around them.  They've taken what was an easy one-step process and made it a PITA.
Also getting frustrated with formatting lines between photos.  After centering photos, blogger wants to center the text too, and doesn't want to take no for an answer.  I can click on that left-align symbol all I like (with or without highlighting the text)  and blogger just ignores me.  It took me an hour just to get this very short post done.
#Does Blogger hate bloggers?


Chantal said...

Holy F...ormatting gibberish!! That's a lovely quilt! Gayle, what have you done? It's HUGE! and so beautiful. I really love this. ♥ Great job!
I don't like the one photo at a time uploading thing either. I understand distancing but pictures? One by one? Really? Enough! Pull the plug! ;^)

Libby in TN said...

I had no clue that quilt was so big! Did you make twice as many blocks?

I'm with you on the picture thing on Blogger. I used to do the same thing; paste them to the board and then use as I needed. That one-at-a-time thing sucks. The centering/left align thing is handled in the 3 dots on the far right and scroll down to format alignment.

I've learned to just click on anything that doesn't move!

Sally Trude said...

Your medallion is gorgeous. You should only make medallions from now on. Wait, bad idea. You should make more quilts . And blog more.

Weird that it makes such a difference between loading one at a time versus lots of photos. I have not had formatting issues either. Apparently writing a blog inefficiently for ten years is paying off for me.

Vroomans' Quilts said...

That is one big quilt, but so lovely! I haven't tried the new format yet - let all you folks work the bugs out for me.

Wanderingcatstudio said...

That is one big, beautiful quilt.

Linda @ kokaquilts said...

One lovely b.i.g. quilt! So glad you kept goinf with this, it's amazing! As for the new blogger format, I'm getting there... still can't work out how to remove a pic if I change my mind though, and I do frequently!

Gretchen Weaver said...

You've got a lovely quilt! I haven't tried the new blogger yet, I don't need the frustration now. Someone told me if I don't like the new blogger, I can go back to the old format. I find that hard to believe because I think everyone would do that if it's true! Maybe blogger just wants to get rid of our generation. Thanks for sharing.

kupton52 said...

You surely did!!! I'm still working on mine...I'm still in the "blah" stage that came on in mid-March! But I think I'm working myself out of it. I don't know how many of my favorite bloggers have made similar comments about NOT liking the new Blogger. Just don't give up....I've missed your posts.

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

Unity is just gorgeous, Gayle! I'd say well worth lots of blinks! So sorry you've been frustrated with the new blogger. I'm doing okay with it, but I suspect we all have different expectations based on how we used the old version. Maybe if we give them feedback, they'll "listen"??? 🤣

Louise said...

Your Unity looks fabulous! And I think you are in unity with a lot of Blogger users, too.

Magpie Sue said...

Wow, that did get big in a hurry! Meanwhile, my biggest complaint with the new blogging format is the comments feature. I used to get comments in my Inbox both before and after I'd approved them for publication. Now I only see them before I have them go live. Makes responding to them more difficult. I've left feedback to that effect but have no hope of seeing a change made in the near future.

audrey said...

Your quilt is looking fabulous! Love it when they get big in a blink of an eye. Very fun moment.:) And yes, I think Blogger does actually hate Bloggers. They never really seem to improve at all!

Ann said...

The Unity design is prettier every round and yours is especially nice. It's fun to have quilts that actually fit the bed, isn't it?
I agree with you about the single photo upload and the centering. It's taking me longer to get a post finished.

The Joyful Quilter said...

Your version of the Unity quilt looks great, Gayle! The NEW Blogger just take some getting used to. You CAN chose more than one photo at a time to drop into your post. They just seem to take FOREVER to get there! About moving the photo... Try right align first, then center or left, if that's where you want it to go. That should work.

Vireya said...

I can upload more than one photo. I just select all the ones I want and they are put in my post. It does seem harder to re-arrange them now, as the html is all one continuous block of text instead of being in paragraphs. But I am gradually finding my way around it. They haven't made anything easier that I can see!

Mystic Quilter said...

Your quilt is magnificent!!! I have not tried the new Blogger format yet but I guess I will have to do so, I think most people seem not to be happy with it.

Cathy said...

Your Unity quilt is truly majestic. Just WOW. I don’t know what all these Blogger changes about uploading pix to posts are that everyone’s talking about. I’m on the new format and have had no issues whatsoever. I’m on a one-year-old iMac.

kmkat said...

Blogger is not the only one. I am clinging desperately to the classic WordPress and making hex symbols at the *new and improved* version. How long can this continue?