Saturday, November 30, 2019

Geese in the Sand Castles, possibly Frolicking

Or possibly dueling.  Tough call.  The design wall is definitely filling up.

Though I seem to have warped the space/time continuum as far as my Sand Castle blocks are concerned.  I counted them and found I needed four more.  So I made a whole bunch of blocks and counted them all up again, and I still need four more.
I'm starting to suspect the Sand Castle bin has a black hole in the bottom...

Eventually I'll have enough blocks.  Really.  I'm sure of it.

There hasn't been as much time to sew lately, what with Thanksgiving and other holidays crowding the calendar.  I've got a lot of gifty projects going on behind the scenes, but I can't show them off yet.  (If I remember to take pictures, I'll share them after the holidays.)

I did get some fabrics pulled and cut for Frolic.  I've been digging through my scrap bins and gathering strips and generally getting ready for the clues to start dropping.

Clue one appeared yesterday, and though I didn't get any time to sew, I did get some strips ready for assembly.

Tomorrow the stitching will commence!  Four-patches are always full of fun!

Linking with SoScrappy for ScrapHappy Saturday and Quilting is more fun than Housework for Oh Scrap.  I'm even going to try this new-fangled Instagram thing and post a pic or two.  Modern times, eh?


The Joyful Quilter said...

Have a happy Frolic through the Sandcastle with your Geese, Gayle!!

Chantal said...

And maybe one day, you will count your Sand Castle blocks and realize you have enough for two quilts, lol. But that would really be a bonus because, imagine having two gorgeous quilts in one shot? AWESome! Enjoy your sewing time. You deserve a me-time! ;^)

Barbara said...

If you're anything like me, you'll layout the sandcastle blocks and have too many. Every time I count out blocks, I need more. The, I have too many.

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

The gifty projects do take up our time at this time of year, don't they? But then I see the Sand Castles Frolicking with the Geese, and I want to make some of each! Happy sewing, Gayle!

Deb A said...

Hmmm are the cats getting in and stealing the parts? The geese are looking great.

Cathy said...

Like you, there are several gift projects I’ll be working on this week. I’m loving all your different projects. But I’m going to watch Frolic instead of frolicking myself. I have too many plans of my own for my sure I’ll be kicking myself in a month or two...

Dorothy said...

Even though Frolic's 1st clue came out on Friday (11/29) I am starting it on 12/1. Am in th middle of something else and keep reminding myself that it is not a race. Although some think it is :-). I understand the counting problem--some times it seems to go on forever I love following your blog

Wanderingcatstudio said...

There's definitely a black-hole project box around here. That or I just really have a problem with counting!

Louise said...

The title of your post made me chuckle! I'm wrangling geese here myself, but somehow kept ending up with more than I counted, rather than less? So I guess there's a wormhole sending stuff into my studio :)

MissPat said...

I spent over an hour yesterday trying to pull out some colors for Frolic and gave up. I don't want a quilt that looks like a thousand other quilts, but I have trouble coming up with a different palette, so for now I'm just going to collect the clues and, like Cathy, watch from the sidelines. I'm getting better at Instagram so I see if I can find you.
I assume you're also getting this messy mixture falling from the skies. Glad I can just stay put.

scraphappy said...

What a wonderful riot of color on your design wall. I'm sure you will eventually find all those missing blocks. They always seem to turn up just as the quilt is finished

grammajudyb said...

I had a counting problem when putting up my garlic knots. Luckily, I ended up with 3 extra, a plus because there were 3 that didn’t have enough contrast or were too dark! A win-win, for once!! *giggle*

Ann said...

All your quilts are looking wonderful. You will have so much fun finishing these. I'm tempted to work on Frolic because it's Texas-based but so far I'm resisting. Way too many current projects of my own.

Rebecca Grace said...

I love all that color on your design wall, and glad it's not only me who has quilt blocks go missing like that. I'll bet those missing blocks are off behind the clothes dryer somewhere. having a party with all the missing socks!

Shelina said...

Your design wall is gorgeous - so many pretty projects. I really like the fabrics you have chosen for Frolic. I might make a small one once I figure out what fabrics I want to use.

Linda @ kokaquilts said...

Another busy post, love all your WiPs! Looking forward to following along with your 'frolic' progress too!

Cynthia Brunz Designs said...

I can't wait to see all of your sand castle blocks together. I love that design more and more!

Thanks for linking up with Oh Scrap!

Sally Trude said...

I love the colors to your Spicy Frolic. What if it turns up the heat in your sewing room so much that your temperature quilt shifts colors?

Mystic Quilter said...

The Sand Castle blocks look amazing, I'm looking froward to the day when we see them all finished Gayle.

audrey said...

Your post makes me smile. Love your design wall! It just seems like some quilts take forever. The end.:) Well, hopefully!!

Kate said...

Love your sandcastle blocks! Hopefully you've gotten all of those collected and ready to assemble. Clue 3 for frolic out this morning. Are you caught up?

Nancy said...

I've had that happen -- not having enough blocks, making the exact number I need, and still not having enough. Sometimes I think I miscount, or maybe I misplace. And sometimes i find the lost ones after I don't need them anymore. One of these days or weeks you'll have enough. I love your geese against the red. Very inviting.