The topic under discussion is the Continental purl stitch.
I originally learned to knit English style, and knit that way for 20 years. Then I read about the Continental style in a library book (this was many many years before internet and YouTube...), and taught myself to do it. My knitting speed more than doubled overnight, and ribbing became a breeze to do instead of being an awful chore. I've been Continental ever since. (And knowing how to knit both ways has made colorwork a lot easier, too!)
Over the years, I've seen people complaining about how hard the Continental purl was. I just couldn't understand why anyone would have a problem - it's light years easier than throwing.
Until Norma asked me about it. I went looking for a good video for her, and was appalled that most of the links on the first 2 pages of a google search turned up the same video - which showed the most contorted, awful, scary knitting maneuver I had ever seen! Some one should warn people NOT to watch that video!! (I guess that would be me...)
So, here's my lame attempt to photograph my own hand demonstrating the Continental purl.
To me, this seems like the easiest thing in the world.
I hope this helps someone! Good luck and happy knitting!
Well,hell! That DOES look easy. Now, what I was finding when I was trying to do something that I thought approximated the purl stitch was that it was twisting the stitch. This doesn't, is what you're telling me? I shall have to go try it, though I am not sure I want to fiddle with it at this stage in my sweater, not wanting to change the gauge and all....
I have a theory that people who learned to crochet FIRST (me, 40 years ago) then learn to knit (me, just 5 years ago) find the Continental style easiest. I tried to throw but it was incredibly awkward so just went with the Continental. I do still find purling (which I do as you showed) a bit difficult and slow. I am practice, practice, practicing!
I sure wish I had originally learned continental! I CAN do it, but it is slow and uneven...and I'm is a sin that I throw!
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