Sunday, August 21, 2011

Sending up a flare...

Urgh. Since I got back from my mini-vacation at my Dad's, (I've got pictures! I swear! Grandkids and flowers and baby pigs!) we've had nothing but computer problems. First Madman's computer picked up a virus which necessitated reinstalling Windows (and it's Vista. Weep for me...), then all the rear ports on my computer went on strike. So, we're in the process of re-installing software on the newer computer, and I had to get a USB keyboard for the older one, and since there's only one USB port on the front of it which has to be shared between keyboard and mouse, doing anything on it involves a lot of swapping and swearing.
As soon as I can figure out what to do with either computer, I'll process a ton of photos and pop them up, along with commentary about all the fun. (I've got pics of baby pigs less than 3 seconds old...)
In the meantime, I'll just be over here, inventing new curse words. The old ones just aren't enough anymore...


Cookie said...


Oh no! You poor thing!

Good luck!


Angie said...

Hai! Good luck!!! Would one of those multi-USB port deals help you out? (usually has 5 ports and plugs into one port) Usually not too pricey, l think under $20?

Anonymous said...

I just got one of these (on eBay) to replace my old USB 1.0 hub: Worked perfectly as soon as I plugged it in (which does not always happen, as everyone who has ever done anything with computers knows).

Bullwinkle said...

Gawd! Computers! MS! (eek! Vista!)

I'm not sure even Dude would coming running to fix Vista.

p.s. multiport hubs would work for you

p.p.s. I wonder if we curse with the same words for stinkbug invasions?

Laurie said...

I love me some baby pigs! Cute little things.

Good luck on the computer stuff. I NEVER have any luck on that.

Joansie said...

Don't suffer....get a hub as they are real cheap.

Lanea said...

What a pain! I hope you're almost through it.