Tuesday, June 21, 2011

I need a direct Brain to Computer Interface

I don't understand it. I keep writing all these great posts in my head, but they don't turn up on the blog.
I wonder if they have something at Radio Shack...


Dorothy said...

If you find it, would you let me know? I'm so very witty when I'm not at my computer.

Bobbie Wallace said...

If you find one, could you please send me the link? I must have a dozen pics on the camera and I can't figure out why they're not on my blog . . .

Bullwinkle said...

Yay! A Post!

You are not alone - many of us have wished for a direct interface.

But you are probably in the midst of a busy spring (how are the chickens??) and we understand.

thepaintedsheep said...

When you find it, please share! At the very least, it would free up my hands for more knitting while I work. I could just channel the thoughts directly into the computer.

Anonymous said...

I don't know about radio shack, that sounds more like a product Apple would think up...

Wanderingcatstudio said...

OMG - this sound exactly like me!!!

Angie said...

At least you have them in your head! :D

gale (she shoots sheep shots) said...

:-) soooo understandable. I'm with you!

fleegle said...

No, I already looked.