No, not Madman and me...
(Well, not right now, anyway.)
Today was the big day for the sheepie crew. A manicure and a haircut for each. (And just in time, too - today got up into the 80's, and there they were in their heavy wool coats!) We found a very nice sheep shearer who arrived bright and early with his gear, ready to give the little fuzzlumps a whole new look.

Goldie drew the short straw. On her best day, she's nervous and flighty - if we had caught and shorn one of the little ones first we never would have caught Goldie at all. As it was, it was an ordeal. She didn't know what was up, but she was pretty sure she wanted no part of it...
Here she is, flat on her rump, getting her nails done, while Madman and the little folk look on.

Let the shearing begin!

Goldie is old enough that she's been down this road before, but the little ones were baffled. They're only yearlings, so they've never seen anything like this in their
whole lives...

"Goldie! What the hell happened to you?!?"
Merlin was the next to be caught, trusting little soul that he is.

A quick hoof trim, and the haircut began.

"Just a little off the top, please... Hey!!"
Even a pretty new collar didn't mitigate his disgust with the whole undignified procedure. (He's got his upper lip rolled back so far that you can see his gums...)

By this time, even Onyx, who's not the sharpest thumbtack on the bulletin board, had figured out that her number was up.

In typical brat fashion, she led us a merry chase, but was finally bagged. (And as we caught each sheep today, we were extremely happy that we had chosen Shetlands. They're a little nervous, but at least they're small enough that you can pick them up and carry them.)

And here's Onyx with her new summer 'do.

Misery obviously loves company...

And the best part?
