In between all the crazy things going on here, including bottlefeeding rabbits (and getting peed on by the
ungrateful little wretches sweet little bunnikinses), I've actually been doing some knitting. Yeah, I was surprised, too.
Slight problem.
I was almost done with the ribbing on the cuff of Skew when I decided to try it on.

That's as far as she goes, folks. The ribbing will go over my instep, but the leg of the sock won't. The only way I'm going to be able to wear this is if I pull a Cinderella's-Stepsister and chop off a hunk of my foot.
The frogging has already commenced.
And if anyone thinks I'm not entitled to whine about our weather up here, this is what it was doing this afternoon.

My daffodils and tulips are pissed.

Goldie just stands there going "WTF?"

Mother Nature is a right mean bitch.
Good grief. That weather officially sucks.
Snow??? But it's supposed to be spring. Ah well, another blogging friend in New England said they are expecting at least a foot. Mother Nature's way of telling us she is the boss.
o.k. I can't think of anything to cheer you up. Maybe if I have more coffee...
(Wait, if I stay home from work and load silly dog in hat pix, will that help?)
Bleahhhhh. It really is too late for that nonsense.
Sock problems...don't you just hate it when that happens!!! Way too much snow here least 6 inches so far.
I've just started the weird heel part - fingers crossed...
Oh, man, I thought Michigan weather sucked but Vermont weather is down right evil!
We didn't get any snow here, but it was darn cold and windy!
New reader, after I found your blog via a link from Erika at Redshirt Knitting :) I'm (very, very) new to spinning, so I've just gone back and read through all of the archives. What a great read!
I'll leave it at that, and won't taunt you with news of the weather from Missouri... ;)
I said the same thing about Mother Nature on Norma's blog this morning.
I don't care if it is Poor Man's Fertilizer, snow the end of April is downright cruel.
At least, you know the bunnehs are not stopped up. ;^)
horrid weather!
I saw the snow on Norma's blog, too. Looks like she got more snow and damage than you. Goldie does indeed look perplexed. Our weather on the other coast has been wierd, too; had to turn on heat today and wear a sweater!
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