Friday, January 12, 2018

Of course I'm not starting a new RSC project!

You believe that, right?  Right?
Yeah.  I started another RSC project, despite the fact that I'm rolling over all of last year's projects.  (Some of which were rolled over from the year before, but we're not going to talk about that right now.)  (Or maybe ever...)
See, I spotted this really cool pattern and couldn't resist taking it for a test drive.

That was actually the second attempt at the test drive.  There was rather a bumpy start.
See the partial block on the left in the photo below?

I'd cut all the pieces according to the directions, but when I started assembling them, nothing was fitting.  I kept recutting, sewing, then discovering I had to recut for the next section as well.  Even I get suspicious after a certain point.
I finally figured out the problem.

Those squares that are the starting point for the block?  The directions say to cut them at 2.5", which clearly wasn't working - as soon as I cut them at 2" instead, everything fit together nicely.  And I ended up with the size block I wanted, too, for the bonus.
I made the test block last month, but luckily it's in blues, so I can totally count January as covered.  Unless, of course, I get tired of sewing On Ringo Lake and Burgoyne Surrounded and need a palate cleanser.
And there are all those other bins of RSC blocks that I should probably check.  It's a pretty good bet that I could use a few more blues.

Linking with SoScrappy for ScrapHappy Saturday.  Come see all the rainbow fun!


Vroomans' Quilts said...

Interesting block - I hate when you have to 'correct' directions on a written/released pattern.

Deb from Frugal Little Bungalow said...

That's a shame that the pattern was incorrect. But what a pretty new project ; glad that you figured it out!

Chantal said...

I was really disappointed when I read the title of your post. "What does she mean she's NOT starting a new Rainbow project???" I am so happy that you came to your senses, lol. I am in love with your new project. What a gorgeous block and it makes such an interesting quilt. I am tempted to quilt along with you now. Do you know the name of this block? Happy to see that you fixed the pattern. Now it will be easy sailing. Enjoy! ;^)

Libby in TN said...

Yeah, right ... ROFL! That looks like something you would not only tackle, but do a fantastic job with. So glad you struggled on and figured out the problem.

Katie said...

I like that block. Too bad the instructions were flawed (I hate that!), but good for you figuring it out. It's going to make a beautiful quilt!

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

That will be a fun block to play with in all kinds of color combinations, Gayle! Hard to believe a published pattern would have a measurement that is off by that much, but glad you figured it out!

Sally Trude said...

That's some palette cleanser Missy! That stripe in the block is quite wonderful. Then I realized you are using the rare-to-find diagonal stripe or you are cutting your stripe on the bias. That one block is a full course meal.

Kat Scribner said...

What an interesting block! Of course we have a hard time NOT starting new RSC projects. Never tire of it.

Quilter Kathy said...

So good that you aren't starting another RSC project... me either *snort*

Linda @ kokaquilts said...

Glad you were able to sort out the problem. Lovely block, and it'll be great as a RSC project this year!

Cathy said...

What an unusual and very Gayle block you haven't started as an RSC project. Now that you figured out the problem you should have a quilt whipped out in no time!

scraphappy said...

So many great quilts start with not really wanting something new, but finding a great new pattern to try out. Hopefully you can finish off something old to make room for the new project.

Cathy said...

Well, my hat’s off to you for figuring out that block! I think I would’ve had a seizure or migraine or something. It looks wonderful, though!

Ellen said...

I really like that block -s o glad that you got it all sorted out!

The Joyful Quilter said...

ROFL!!! I am SEW there with you!! I wasn't starting ANY new RSC projects this year, but I am THISCLOSE to caving in after seeing some of the amazing blocks that other RSC Quilters are making this year.

Cynthia Brunz Designs said...

That block looks like one of those you can really mess up. But I do think it will make a great scrappy quilt. So I will enjoy yours :)

Angie said...

I definitely see the appeal for this block: a little piecing challenge, a little color choice challenge. Sorry you had to find the "oops" the hard way! Does the block have a name?

Katie Z. said...

What an intriguing new block! Good luck with all the old and new projects.

Wanderingcatstudio said...

Why would you start another project? That would be crazy and we know you're totally not crazy

Jo said...

So glad you got that block worked out... It looks good.

Cross Mountain Quilts said...

I have doubted my sanity a couple times when I found pattern errors. Luckily my husband is the mathematician and designer in the family, so he was able to reassure me that it wasn't time to turn in my car keys, lol.