Ta-da! I finished the first mitten! And you'll notice I finally got that silly little millimeter smarter and knit the left hand first so I could take a picture without swearing at myself...
World's Warmest Mittens, how I do love thee!
And so, to celebrate, I cast on my next Selbuvotter project. After much dithering (with the emphasis on the much) I finally made a choice. Annemor #8 is officially underway.
And quick question: Anyone know why I can get nice big pictures from Flickr, but my Picasa pics are little bitty? Thanks!
Wow, do they feel like you are putting your hand into the fleece of a Merino Sheep?
You are the mitten queen!!! They are beautiful. Watch for my blog, maybe tomorrow, and I'll post the progress on my Sulbevotter. Thanks for all your help.
Those thrummed mittens are GORGEOUS, Gayle! I love them! xo
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