Monday, November 28, 2016

En Provence - In progress (slowly)

The first clue is starting us off easy. 

Neutral four patches.  We can all do those in our sleep, right?  (And probably have, at some point...)

I've only got a small stack done so far, out of the gazillion that I'll need if I decide to do a full-sized version of the quilt.  (Still haven't made up my mind if I'm in for half or whole.  Plenty of time to decide!)  Mostly I've done them as leader/enders as I work on assembling my piglet blocks, and I'll continue with that process.  (I have a lot of pig-assemblage underway!)

And I'm looking forward to the next clue - hopefully some purple!

Linking with Bonnie's Monday Party - come see what other folks are up to with En Provence.


Frances Meredith said...

Difficult to guess what will come next with just a neutral four-patch. Looking forward to part 2 already (once I have those pesky four-patches pressed!)

Wanderingcatstudio said...

We all know you're going whole... you don't do anything by half....

TheEclecticAbuela said...

I like your fabrics.

Chantal said...

I agree with Wandering Cat Studio. You are not a "half" person, lol. You will go for the whole nine yards. Go, Gayle! Go, Gayle GOOOOOOOOOOOO!! ;^)

Andee Neff said...

Looking good.

mereth said...

Hmm, Keryn and I said we're just going to make a 'few' each, and combine them into one top, but we'll see how that goes. I figure that if we don't like where the pattern heads we can always use four patches somewhere else. I seem to make big quilts all the time, but I'm going to try and not jump in both feet this time, I've got so many other projects going on.

Monica said...

Yes, that's what I said -- easy! And then I went a step further and decided not to sew at all. :D You're off to a great start. Bring on the colour!

Vic in NH said...

Good looking neutrals the pile is so pretty together!

Vireya said...

That's a nice collection of neutrals!

I think we are all looking forward to the next clue now. We've got all those pretty fabrics just begging to be sliced up!

Cross Mountain Quilts said...

Yeah, she's roped me in with the easy four patches as a first step. She knows exactly what she's doing! I was going to do half. Then I see the easy step & my overflowing neutrals drawer and now I'm all in! Still loving the pigs every step as you go -- keep 'em coming, please.

Kate said...

Looks like you made a very good start on those 4 patches. I decided to start with half and go from there.

PaulaB quilts said...

Is each week going to be like this, getting the clue on Friday and being finished on Monday and also blogging? Some people are all done with this first clue. They must have empty weekend time or are whiz stitchers. I'm waiting for my friend, whose oven imploded, to have a chance to cut my strips. You are doing okay, considering the piglets. Keep up the good work!

Linda @ kokaquilts said...

Great start... it will be interesting following your journey with this mystery quilt!

Mystic Quilter said...

Pity you can't teach the piggies to help with the four patch sewing!

Dobrý kousky said...

Love your neutrals :)

Feathers in my Nest said...

Pretty neutrals.