Finally, it's sheep shearing day! The drippy little fuzzlumps finally dried out, I had the day off, and the shearer was available. The stars and planets lined up, and the sheepies got a haircut.
Of course, in order to shear a sheep, first you have to catch one...

That's Madman on the left, the shearer on the right, and the panicky sheep all over the place.

Closing in...

Goldie was first. If you'll remember from
last year, she's so skittish that we have to make sure she's done before anyone figures out what's going on, otherwise we'd never be able to catch her.

Here's Madman, consoling Merlin. He was
very worried about what that man was doing to Goldie. (Onyx is hiding under their sunshade. She didn't even want to look...)

One down. Now to catch another.

Another merry chase. We kept trying to convince Goldie that she didn't have to run anymore, but she wasn't buying it. If there's sheep-chasing going on, she's all over it.
Finally, Onyx was snagged. Look close at the picture - yes, that is his thumb in her mouth. There's a gap between a sheep's incisors and molars that is the perfect width for a thumb, and keeping a gentle hold on the lower jaw goes a long way toward persuading a sheep that we want to go
this way.

And off comes that heavy hot wool.


Merlin checks out the girls' new hairdos.

No pictures for the last chase. Madman had to head for work, so I was the assistant chaser. No way I could take pictures while jumping, shifting, feinting, and driving.
We finally nabbed him. Well, the shearer nabbed him. I just urged Merlin in his general direction.
First the mani-pedi. (All the sheep got one. I just neglected to get pictures.)

Look how light the fleece is next to his skin, as opposed to the part exposed to the outside world...

And look! Three naked sheep!

Just in the nick of time, too. The temperature today shot up to 90. Such a delight to have shucked off those heavy wool sweaters!
They spent the rest of the day trying to stay out of the sun, and looking vaguely embarrassed.