Tuesday, March 30, 2010

1 1/2 Weeks

Just had to show off the chicks. That's the first three to hatch - from front to back Numbers 2, 3, and 1.
Check out the wings on Number 2 - we're amazed by how fast the little fluffs are feathering out.

And here's Number 6. She's not deformed - there's another chick hiding behind her. I'm not sure which one it is, but I can guarantee it's not Number 4. She is a camera hog. As soon as she saw the camera, she went from this:
to this:

At one point, I had a perfect shot lined up of a couple of the other chicks, and guess who popped up?

Here's my favorite -

"You talkin' to us?"


Wanderingcatstudio said...

Oh they are gorgeous! And growing sooooo quickly! Love the "grown up" feathers.

Diane said...

So how do you tell them apart? They look pretty similar from this angle.

gale (she shoots sheep shots) said...

Great shots, I love looking at the half downy little attitude they have.

Bullwinkle said...

awwww (and eek! Ned!) ... the stuff I look at and that is the first one to get his attention??)

Cuties! (How DO you tell them apart?) And How do they get attitude at 1.5 weeks?

Anna M said...

Very, very cute!

Leigh said...

My, you guys have been busy!
Love the pics, especially Goldie in your back-seat.

Anonymous said...

They grow up so fast. ::sniff::

Erika said...

Adorable! Okay, are we taking bets? My bet is:

Roosters: 2, 3, 4
Hens: 1, 6

Cookie said...

So cute!

Kaberge: said...

aww that last picture is TOO cute!

Joansie said...

Oh, so sweet!!! Won't be long and they will be paying you for keep with eggs.

margene said...

They grow so quickly!