In real life, not so much.
So, I'm going to start with Mother's Day and work backwards until I get caught up.
First, of course, I had to load up the pictures that had accumulated. I don't know if Flickr was having problems, or if it was just me (and I suspect it was just me. It always seems to be just me...), but it took hours to get my pics up. The process kept freezing up - and some pictures were being uploaded multiple times, while others disappeared entirely. The last pic took over 3 hours - I finally gave up and went to bed, and it finished up sometime during the night.
So, Mother's Day....
My youngest daughter (the college student) surprised me with a stuffed animal - completely hand-sewn. I love him to distraction (and her, too!)
He makes me smile every time I look at him.
My oldest daughter (the college professor) sent me a huge care package of foodstuffs that aren't available up here in the Back of Beyond...
She actually had them individually wrapped in beautiful papers with lots and lots of ribbons, but that's one of the pictures that kept going astray. I gave up after 4 attempts (and at an hour per attempt, that was a serious time-suck...) I love her to distraction, too!
Madman is also excited about the food - he's very fond of curries, for example. Though not so much with the couscous. The only time I've tried to feed him couscous, he claimed it tasted like spider's eggs.
"And just when did you ever eat spider's eggs, in order to have a basis for comparison?", I asked.
"Well, never," he admitted, "but this is what I would imagine spider's eggs taste like."
There's a hole in that logic, somewhere.
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