Sunday, May 5, 2013

Peeps and Sheeps

Another sign of spring is when we do this:

It was really hard to get a picture, since they all move so fast. 

This year's choice for our Chicken of the Year is the Barred Rock
It occurred to me last fall that if we got a different color of chicken each year, we would be better able to keep track of how old each chicken is.  After years of getting Rhode Island Reds, we had no idea which hen was from which year.  And we've still got a bunch of them in our flock - they could be anywhere from 4 to 7 years old.  Now when a chicken inexplicably drops dead (and they do) at least we'll be able to figure out whether it's from old age or from some chicken health-threat. 
And Barred Rocks are really pretty...

Anyway, the little dark chicks are the Rocks, and there are 12 of them all together.  Straight run, so they'll be a mix of boys and girls.  We plan to keep one of the roosters, since our previous rooster inexplicably dropped dead.  (Oh, hell, there's one of those plans again.)

The lighter chicks are actually baby turkeys.  We got 15 Bourbon Reds, which is the same heritage breed that our present two turkey hens are.  (We didn't really want that many, but that was the minimum order.  Given the fragility of turkey poults, it may be just as well that we start with extras, though.)
The plan here (there's that word again) (and I can hear that giggling, ya know) is to keep the best tom turkey out of the group for breeding purposes.  We'd really like to be able to hatch our own turkeys. 
BTW, I might need you to remind me later that I thought that was a good idea.

In sheepy news, all the girls are 'making bag' - which means that lambing could start any time.  Onyx looks like she's getting ready to feed the multitudes - if her udder gets any bigger, she'll be stepping on it...
I hope she doesn't have triplets again.


kmkat said...

Baby time at the farm! Love your plan of color coding your annual broods. Do keep a notebook or something where you actually write down what breed/color you buy each year. If your memory is like mine, that will come in handy...

Wanderingcatstudio said...

Those are my favourite all-time chickens!

Cookie said...


Do they make bras for sheep?

Laurie said...

I love when you start out all optimistic and....innocent.

Pat said...

YAY - you too...oh how I wish I had room for more!
I LOVE Barred Rocks and the 1 BR Rooster I had way back in the 1970s was the best rooster ever!
I am being entertained all day watching my little chicks - they are wild and wonderful at 2 days old today - they think they are full grown chickens!

Pat said...

and I think your idea of different breeds for different years is perfect!