Friday, December 23, 2016

This can only mean one thing...

I checked my camera's memory card and found these -

Huh.  The monkeys are now taking selfies...


  1. Bahahahah! I can't stop laughing!! You are too funny, girl! Have a very happy holiday with your family. A healthy and productive 2017 to you, filled with love, pleasant surprises and a peaceful mind. May 2017 bring to you all the blessings that 2016 forgot. Hugs! ;^)

  2. OMG!! Thanks for the belly laugh!! It's Christmas Eve morning and what a way to start the holiday weekend! You are so funny....hope you and yours have a wonderful holiday.

  3. I bet they make butt calls, too! Hope you have the merriest of Christmases!

  4. That's so funny! I wonder what they were doing just before the selfie - better check your stash! Have a wonderful Christmas and a blessed New Year.

  5. Ha ha ha!! At least they like bright colors right?? Ha!

  6. "Why do you love Him? He makes me laugh."-from the American made movie, "Who Killed Roger Rabbit?"

  7. You'd better watch them - they are very sneaky! Happiest of Christmases to you, Gayle! Thanks for the fun and inspiration that is to be found on your blog!

  8. ....the real life beginning to Planet of the Apes....

  9. Mischievous aren't they? I agree, thanks for the fun and have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, you and your family.

  10. Those monkeys are certainly mischievous! Merry Christmas Gayle!

  11. With just the post title and your name in my feed reader, my immediate thought was, "Oh, no! The pigs have gotten loose and tramped her about in the muck." Seriously. I probably do not need to ever buy one of those virtual reality headset things.

  12. And thank you for not showing us the ones where they show their naughty bits...

  13. Too funny! Thank you for the giggle. Have a very Merry Christmas.

  14. Ach, those damned monkeys. Ya never know what they're gonna do next!


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