Friday, September 11, 2015

I think I'm becoming an orange magnet.

Which is totally not a bad thing.
While I was lamenting my lack of orange, I remembered something.  (Well, admittedly, first I remembered that there were online fabric stores that might possibly have oranges and might possibly be persuaded to sell me some and send them to me, but since the mailcarrier hasn't shown up with a box yet, I had to remember something else...)
I remembered that half-roll of strips I bought myself for my birthday.

I think I see some orange in there.

So, I opened it up to check.

And once again, the colors my camera shows are not the colors that exist in reality.  Several of those pinks on the left are actually way more orange than they look.  My camera tends to hallucinate sometimes.  (I swear I'm going to start calling it 'Moonblossom' and reminding it that the 60's are over.)  (And, holy crap, I just realized that the 60's have been over for damn near half a century.  I think I need to go lay down.)
I netted the center squares for the blocks I had already cut out, and got them assembled.

And I cut a few more pieces for use with the oranges that might possibly show up in the mail.  Oh, and the orange scraps that my SIL called to tell me she had for me, which I'll go get this weekend.  Like I said, an orange magnet.
And I'm trying really hard to remind myself that I was only going to make a couple of orange blocks to blend between my red blocks and my yellows for my rainbow stars quilt.  Because I have to really remind myself of that since I already have five and this is only the second Saturday in September and there's more orange heading my way.

Maybe I could make an orange Ohio stars quilt...

I'll be linking with So Scrappy for Scrap Happy Saturday, while I wish that there were at least eight Saturdays in September, so I could look at even more orange!


  1. Orange becomes you. I, who gave away 28 yards last week, replaced it with almost as much yesterday at Quilts Plus here in Indianapolis where I am Seminar-ing about antique quilts. I swooped past the batiks, turned my back on the repros, and went straight for the modern section. (I considered buying you some banana fabric to feed your monkeys, too!) It happens ...

  2. Ooooo you remember the 60's?? You'd better go lay down!
    Kudos for actually using the batik strips instead of hoarding them like a museum exhibit like I do

  3. Wow. That's a pretty nice range for someone without orange.

  4. Oh I am laughing at your realization that the 60's were half an century ago...I too think I need to lay down. In the meantime, back in the orange fields...those are beautiful blocks.

  5. Those blocks look so cheerful in orange! And true fact: I was born very early in the 60s, which really was a very long time ago!

  6. Wow! Those are REALLY orange Ohio Stars! Soooo beautiful. I think your camera got the hang of capturing orange now lol. Wish my camera could make my block that glorious! An orange Ohio Star quilt will definitively be awesome. (Yes, yes, make one; I want to see one!) ;^)

  7. I will think of your orange fabrics and Ohio Stars as I go to celebrate the opening of the Orange Line (in Portland OR) with salmon hash at one stop and special Orange Line ice cream (olive oil and bitter orange marmalade) at another. There are more stops--not sure how many I'll hit. Love your orange Ohio Star blocks.

  8. Orange - it has a way of taking over! I wound up making an entire orange quilt one year for the RSC.

  9. The orange Ohio star blocks are so lovely. I find the time of day and the lighting really affect the way my camera picks up colour. Yup I had lots of orange in the 60's (early 70's too). And who could forget the neon green and purple that went with it.

  10. You have some great orange there already. I found out that photos taken in my kitchen under long fluorescent light show up the warm tones very true, but the late daytime light is better for the blue colors. So try changing the light source and maybe you will be surprised. Good luck.

  11. Well I love your orange blocks and the roll of Artisan batiks looks extremely interesting!!

  12. Those are some very pretty Orange blocks!

  13. ha ha, someone has to be the orange magnet, as there is not much at my place and the world would be a dreary place without sunny orange :)

  14. Hope more oranges find their way to your happy blocks this month. An all orange quilt sure would be hard to miss.

  15. Orange is not one of my favourite colours... but those stars might just make me like it!

  16. Love your post! I remember the 60's, too : )


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