Thursday, September 17, 2009

Damn these days off...

Seems like I work my butt off more on days off than on my job.

Seeded and cut up Principe Borghessi tomatoes, then put them in the dehydrator for "sun"-dried tomatoes. (These tomatoes are from plants that AnnaMarie gave us last spring, bless her!)
Processed a pile of roasted red peppers and put them in the freezer. (I tried canning these, years ago, but they came out really mushy, so I've been freezing them ever since. Unfortunately, the freezer is now full, and we've still got corn to go...)
Baked a loaf of bread.
Made wraps for sandwiches for the week. (The recipe makes 8. I lose interest in the project around number 6. The last two are a sore trial to my patience.)
Cut up and started cooking down the last batch of tomatoes for the year.
Made a great big kettle of Leek and Potato Soup for a potluck we attended tonight. A vegan version, no less. If I'd been making it for me, it would have been all about bacon and cream and butter. There are leftovers, so I'll be decking it out for Madman and me. Lactose-intolerance be damned! I need cream...

And I need to sit down...


  1. ???

    (hee! my verification word is "dorkers")

  2. Leak soup without butter and cream is like a peanut butter sandwich without jelly. You have more patience than I do with potlucks, I'm an obligate carnivore *g*

  3. Yum. I agree with Anna. Moderation in all things including moderation means cream and butter where it belongs. In moderation, of course.


  4. It's always like that during the harvest, isn't it? Long hot weird days full of killing tomatoes and trying to make more room in the freezer.

    Cream and butter are dairy and therefore good for you. ;^)


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