Friday, October 22, 2010

A Madman status report

He had his MRI last week, and saw the orthopedist today. Surgery next week, 2 weeks recuperation , 6 weeks physical therapy.
He's been doing the math - looks like he'll be sufficiently recovered in time to hit the woods with his rifle for at least part of deer season.
The man has priorities, after all...


Anonymous said...

Remind him he is not allowed to drag the deer carcass out of the woods by himself.

Angie said...

Heck, yeah! :D. Here's to getting out for at least part of the season.

Bullwinkle said...

Everyone needs a goal. /snicker

(On a physical level - the deer hunters in my area (illegal) tend to crouch and stay in one position for hours. Be sure he thinks this through/has a back up plan.)

gale (she shoots sheep shots) said...

wow that sounds like a brisk schedule. Hopefully the deer will wait?

Cookie said...

At least he has his priorities in order. ;^)