Friday, January 22, 2010

There's a hole in my finger

Over the last few months I've been trying to tighten up my knitting a little bit. Nothing drastic, but a bit of slow change so that it will become a habit. (I'm tired of having to go down 2 needle sizes to get gauge, and I want to write more patterns for other people to knit without making myself crazy trying to figure out what size needle normal people would need.)
The down side is that I've discovered I have a bad habit of bracing the left needle point against my right index finger in order to push stitches up into working position. Now that they're tighter, I have to push harder. And the circ I'm using for my cabled coat is really really pointy.

I've poked a hole in my finger.


Wanderingcatstudio said...

I've done that!

Bullwinkle said...

But ... there are lot of us who have to go down two needle sizes to get gauge.

I appreciate the effort (and the sore finger!)

Anna M said...

Ouch! I don't get holes, just usually have one finger that is bright blue, or purple, or turquoise.

pacalaga said...

Techknitter had a post on how to move your stitches without hurting yourself!

Elizabeth said...

Ouch! I've done that - mostly when my skin is really dry in the winter.

Angie said...

Ouch! That's a nice little hole you have there. :D

I'll have to follow Carrie's link to see if I can save my finger, too.

Diane said...

That finger needs a bandage. Do you prefer Garfield, Charlie Brown or Superwoman? Or just neon green? I gots them all. And after switching to Continental knitting, I have to go down two needle sizes or more to get gauge too.

Laurie said...

So not worth it.

Becky said...

I'm a tight knitter and use very pointy needles so I almost always have a hole in my finger. We should start a club! Ha!